Wow, this is really a “bomb” that LL has planted among the community… it’s going haywire right now, but the cool thing is, we have a very long fuse, and lots of time to disarm it. Thanks to Cory for warning us in advance! 🙂 I have very mixed feelings […]
Monthly Archives: October 2004
It’s still fresh in my mind, so I guess it’s time to write some thoughts on it, and then I’m going to see if Lordfly Digaridoo’s SL Economy Analysis Blog” already has some insight on the Town Hall meeting yesterday with Cory Linden. I like his economic insights very much, […]
Both inworld and out there, I have been busy spreading Philip’s vision. The preliminary results are quite fascinating, and I do hope that Linden Lab?’s own marketing department has had much better experiences. Since the “metaverse building” is something radical for the overall population – they will have to “grow […]
After reading several white papers on online economy, browsing around the forums, and having discussions with people inworld, as well as checking up on what Philip Rosedale (CEO of Linden Lab?) says about it, I finally did it: I started to pull in the real world economy into Second Life®. […]
This is taken directly from my post in the forums. After a discussion on the rating system with Moon Adamant, we have figured out an interesting “alternative” rating system. It has a slight problem of “computational resources” required. We both feel there is a need to “extra-rate” someone very special […]
First, a disclaimer… I do not have any type of connection to Linden Lab (wish I had, though 🙂 ). Information collected about how the system works has three main sources: looking at the logs (SecondLife.log), reading the forums, and talking to older residents (who sometimes have exchanged ideas with […]
Some of us have been privileged to listen “live” (or through the many repeaters) what Philip Linden told SL’s population at large about his visions and the questions he answered for the residents, at the last Town Hall meeting on October, 1st. You can read the official transcript to give […]