Upper Body Template

A template for clothes design

Chip Midnight is often in the forums telling people how to design perfectly-matched clothes. His ‘secret’ in developing wonderful new templates, based both on Linden Lab’s? own, and on images he has captured in-world to understand where the many avatar polygons join together.

This upper body template is an attempt of using both Chip Midnight’s templates (his layers are marked CMFF) with the rest of the ‘standard’ templates. I also added one layer for designing female underwear.

Notice that these templates are high-resolution — ie. 1024 x 1024 instead of the SL standard 512 x 512. This means that you should do your work using the higher resolution — which gives much better results when skewing and rotating your textures — and save them back to a 512 x 512 TARGA file when you’re ready to upload. That’s a nifty trick from the master clothiers!

Enjoy the template and thank Chip for all his work with the templates and the kindness of giving it away!

Upper Body Template (revised)