Fun, fun! Koinup, who have been so deeply engaged in SL (and, well, other virtual worlds too!) have sponsored the 1st Murku Comics Contest, and announced the winners today. Here’s what the jury deemed to be the best one:
To do things like this, all you need is to grab a copy of the Murku HUD, which was designed to facilitate the creation of comics out of SL. All you need next is to be creative, create your comic, and upload it somewhere 🙂
Well, the first competition is now over, but with prizes of L$10k, I’m sure that everybody will be swamping Koinup with cool new comics for the second one.
Congratulations to Rocksea Renegade, and thanks to all who participated on the competition!
And great work on the Murku HUD, Deep Semaphore 🙂