You should have looked at the date first before complaining that the links didn’t work! 🙂 Obviously it was another of my (in)famous April Fool’s pranks, which I try to do (almost) every year. Some years are better than others, because the best pranks are those that are 90% based […]
Of course this was a prank; happy April Fool’s Day, and my apologies to everybody! 🙂
While I was drooling about Linden Lab’s latest developments — which will be covered on a subsequent article — I got an email by Online Media Daily Europe about an article featured on Red Rocket Media announcing that a lot of UK Facebook accounts were actually held by… dogs. In fact, […]
The past few months have kept me away from Second Life, as so many of you have noticed — and from blogging in general; there is simply way too much for me to deal with on a daily basis that there has been little time left for anything else! Well, […]
All right, all right, the other post was obviously an April Fool’s post… nevertheless, two things are half-serious, and worth thinking a bit. The first one was not really a joke. Tipodean did release its Unity3D, Web-based Second Life viewer as an open beta (previously, it was being tested as […]
Of course this was my April Fool’s post for 2011 🙂 — Gwyn Not happy with merely releasing the “dumbed down” version of Second Life, which allows new residents to hide most of the complexities of the SL 2.X viewer, here is the shape of the future to come: thanks […]