The First-Hour Experience

I’ve added a few thoughts on the first-hour experience in Second Life on my other blog. We all know that M Linden’s top priority is dealing with the first-hour experience of newbies and trying to get a better retention rate. Apparently, 99% of all new users leave before a month has elapsed (and don’t even become active users on the statistics!). This is way too much. Even though SL doesn’t require constant growth to be a successful operation, a bit of growth is definitely welcome to keep everybody happy, and 1% is way too low…

So Linden Lab really has to work harder on this. I’ve posted some suggestions on that article which might surprise you — since they’re hardly the usual demands/requests that many residents make (I like to be provocative and irreverent 🙂 ). But for the sake of completeness, I’ve added also some of the most popular demands. It’ll be interesting to see what LL actually comes up with…